Sunday 5 October 2014

Photos Martine loves

Hi VAl

here are a couple of photographs I love. Geoff got this new camera that can do extra wide angle shots and playing with it on my way to feed our flock, the camera created those 2 great pictures....My 2 cameras were sent back to the UK for servicing 3 weeks ago and I can't wait to get them back!  Isn't it unbelievable that I could not find anyone in Montauban or Toulouse who could service my cameras? I used to do underwater photography with a great bunch of people a few years ago and I just sent my cameras to those same people that used to look after our kit back then...What a shame though...Where do French people go to have their cameras serviced I wonder…
We've had a bumper crop of squashes and pumpkins, and I am on my way to meet a lady who makes a wonderful cake with them. Apparently the recipe has its roots here. I'll make it and if it's any good I'll send you the recipe.
Chat again soon,