Friday 10 October 2014

Old hands at bridge last night

The autumn competition of the Caylus NA Bridge Club took place at the Bar de la Bascule last night (Thursday) and 10 pairs were in the lists for an array of bottle and chocolate shaped prizes. The evening marked the last appearance of the formidable Ainsworth/Fawcett partnership and they duly carried off the first prize. Both the other podium places were occupied by relative newcomers showing that the levels of experience are becoming more equal.
These evenings are very convivial and although the bridge is taken seriously there is no unseemly rivalry and advice is freely proffered. Thanks were due and given to Mike and Brian for organising the evening and providing a delicious apero dinatoire.
The sub and partner had a poor evening, but did demonstrate their knowledge of arcane music hall songs when East noted that North had a sweater with the legend "Crew Clothing Co" and remarked that his wife was going by train to Crewe. North asked if she meant to go to Birmingham but was being sent on to Crewe. East perplexed said "no she's going to Crewe". South duly obliged with a chorus of "Oh Mr Porter". Some hands are clearly older than others.
Oh Mr Porter

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