Sunday 19 October 2014

Mission orphan, we will not fail helping Jane and this dog.

Hi Val
 I have a two and a half week orphan black lab puppy!
Usual sort of story – 86 year old french lady moves to live next door at the beginning of the year. Keeps her elderly black lab cross on a chain 24/7.
Old lady falls and breaks her hip and elbow in June and has a two moth stay in hospital. Her family are quite happy that the dog is chained 24/7 with perhaps one visit a day.
Dog of course is upset to be alone and barks – we get upset as the barking drives us mad so have to intervene ( on humanitarian as well as barking grounds!!)
I walk and feed the dog for the next three months and the family are of course very happy that a daft étrangère has taken on the job.
Two weeks ago the morning after having had a marvellous 5km evening walk with my daughter, Candy the dog produces with great pride, one puppy.
We assumed like the 6 puppies she had in March and the 8 last year that this one would disappear but it didn’t – the lady’s grandson had decided that it would be nice for Granny ( who was by now back home and twice as frail) to have something to take an interest in .......she of course didn’t and neither did the family – leaving it once again to the voisine to do the necessary.
Two or three days after the birth I noticed that Candy had difficulty in walking and discovered that she had a massive tumour under her front leg and into the muscle.
“ Ah, yes well she is old” ( too old to be spayed but not too old to have puppies obviously!)
Eventually as I watched things get worse with Candy doing her utmost to care for her special puppy I became the neighbour from hell and insisted that she be taken to the vet ...
This was on friday but her suffering was too great and last night, again the neighbour from hell insisted that the vet be called -inconvenient for the grandson as he was going to football.....
I stayed with Candy until the very end – a brave and courageous dog.
I now have a two week old puppy that has taken to the bottle like a fish to water BUT I need to find her a home – the family think it will be “nice” for Granny to keep the puppy but as I have pointed out Granny can walk only with difficulty and a puppy cannot be chained24/7 and the nice voisine can not take on the care of a puppy which is going to be allowed to start the whole breeding cycle off again.
So can I please ask through your fantastic blog if there is anyone out there who can help. I am happy to carry on with the weaning process until someone could take her and give her the sort of home she deserves.
Mum was a cross lab and Dad is a pure golden lab.
I am near Cordes and am happy for people to come and see her, just give me a call on 06 24 09 87 30
Many thanks, Val and here’s hoping.
Jane Wallace
Val says I do not know Jane,in the same way I could not know all of TAG' s many readers 
 but I do have no qualms in saying what a kind thoughtful act Jane is performing. TAG will get this puppy rehomed by hook or by crook. There must be someone out there who would love a labrador puppy and I will keep on posting about it until a home is found. I have also asked Jane to supply a photo.
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