Friday 17 October 2014

Lucy Johnstone is on the mend

Our Lucy is an " ange" sometimes, and today with the vet Charles from Laguepie she showed what a calm donkey she can be. She had her hoof cleaned and pared, an  antibiotic injection  all without batting an eye. The vets opinion is the stones in her hoof (which we found yesterday) had punctured the corium which as she is showing a bit of fourmiliere (a type of fungal infection)  is causing her pain.
I have some powders to give one a day with a compote but as I have never given her a compote I will probably stick it in half an apple. If any donkey or horse  people know of a compote, please let me know.

She should be walking better in a few days and even today one can see a difference after removing the stones yesterday.
All the donkeys are due a tetanus injection which lasts 3 years but is obligatory to have in France as is being puced.( having their identifying number in their neck)
People ask " are they cheap to keep donkeys, I suppose you stick them in the field and they eat the grass."
 If only it was that simple.
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