Saturday 21 September 2013

Hens are not donkeys!

We have just had two poached eggs each for lunch and before tucking in, we had to admire the size and colour of the yolks. Our two hens Henny and Penny produce for us two remarkably good eggs each day, wander round our garden and fields without any problem and then put themselves to bed at dusk. All we have to do is remember to close their door each night.  They eat any kitchen scraps and love a juicy caterpillar or cricket, and they provide amusement . Running and jumping around the lawns after crickets is a sight to behold.
Chicken keeping is not only popular here in France but also now in back gardens in England. At least two families who came to rent the gite said about the chickens wandering around. "Don't worry we have chickens at home"
Now donkeys wandering around outside their enclosure - quiet a different matter.
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