Tuesday 24 September 2013

"Commérage" / gossips

Years ago I remember being told about "les commérages" at a local bar. I thought it a useful word to add to my vocabulary. This morning it popped into my head when Malc who was out walking the dogs, came back after "gossiping" with a builder working over the road. How did he find out all that information in such a short space of time. I think men make the best " commérage"
Sally says    Commère   - Is the word.....meaning fellow Momma....
Val  says  Looking it up Sally, the word can mean gossip, or biddy, so a lot of old biddies gossiping!
It could also mean mother in law, godmother, someone who is a chatterbox.
  Commérage can also be gossips who are gambling which is the context I heard the word being used in the first place.
It seems to have a grave accent on commère but an acute accent on commérage.
I guess it is not a particularly nice way to call a group talking, too gossipy.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com