Sunday 22 September 2013

Our peche de vigne bears fruit

This was the first year for our newly planted peche de vigne, planted last spring. We wondered if the fruit would come to anything and although by no means a bumper crop we got 6 delicious peaches. I do hope this is an indicator that future years are going to be good.
Peche de Vigne is not really a variety of vine but rather a type of peach, late flowering, fruiting at around the same time as the grape vines and used as an indicator plant in Lyonnais vineyards in the way that roses are in the Bordeaux region. Both the rose and the Peche de Vigne are very prone to mildew, so if you plant them at the head of your row of grapes they act like a canary to a coal miner, warning of troubles ahead.  This year we had no troubles and the peaches were mouth wateringly good.
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