Wednesday 25 September 2013

Any other advice on wisteria?

Dear Val.
I don’t know what the head gardener had to say but I have had great  success with white wistiria in 3 different gardens, two in France, using the following method. Prune the wistiria  severely twice a year  and don’t give it any food and not much water. It will flower profusely. When pruning cut all new growth back to two buds in January and after flowering.This is usually in July. Do the same with any new unwanted shoots  which may appear later in the summer and get in the way. .
I am a great fan of this vine with it long graceful racemes and heavenly scent.  It seems such a shame to risk moving an established  beauty.
Val says     I have got it cut back Sally but looking at the thickness of the stem I doubt I will be able to move it successfully. I am considering putting a pergola or some such thing next to the terrace to train it up, so renters are not bothered by it. I have waited 5 years for it to flower so would hate to lose it. I am still unsure about your advice versus the head gardener of Versaille on cutting back.