Wednesday, 7 August 2013

To go topless or not ?

Fashions change even on what to wear or not to wear when sunbathing. 80% of people in a poll/ sondage would have gone topless 10 years ago but would not do it now at the beach. The topless ladies are fewer at beaches but can still be seen at plages and swimming pools in Toulouse.
When we were younger I remember I and all my colleagues went topless on our two or three weeks holidays abroad in France, Spain and Italy. In fact I nearly died of embarrassment when one of my colleagues showed me her snaps from a Minorcan holiday and I said  " what is the little furry animal on your husbands knees" thinking it was a tame squirrel or something and then realising he had no bathing trunks on - whoops! [ I must add he was sitting down at the time!]
That man died of testicular cancer and I often wondered if there was any correlation to getting too much sun on tender parts.
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