Wednesday 28 August 2013

Visible progress at last at Villefranche

Back in the winter the report in the paper assured us that the work in the market square would we finished in time for the tourist season - this  translates roughly from the French to "we'll make a start Easter week when the first lot arrive and it will be finished when the summer lot have all gone!"  I have taken "progress" pictures every week over the summer but it's been difficult to work out what exactly the progress was - obviously lots of the work has been installing the works for the fountain. But at last the end appears to be in sight and last week work was under way on laying the enormous stone setts. I'm still in two minds about the fountain as the square was lovely just as it was but the paving was in a terrible state and I am looking forward to seeing the finished result.
We were also told the former use of the square by the market and for parking would not be affected by the fountain - I just hope that this roughly translates from the French as " the market can return but not the cars," Villefranche really has no shortage of car parking space.
Sue Carter
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