Saturday 31 August 2013

A good news story from David Hatfiled

Lost then found - a happy ending

This started this morning when Frankie, Terry Tippets daughter, spotted a small dog limping along just outside of Verfeil. She stopped and picked him up. Thinking he was injured she drove him straight to Huggette's veterinary clinic outside of Parisot.
Frankie called her Mom who called us as she knows we live in Verfeil and said Frankie had found the dog at the end of our road. Terry gave the story just as Linda came home from walking Rupert. We decided that she should go to the village shop to spread the news of a found dog while I went to Huggettes to take some pictures we could post up in the village. I must say he is a very cute & friendly little guy.
We did our tasks and before long got a call from the lady at the shop. The owner had come in. She was greatly relieved and headed straight for Huggettes. Reunited!!
We then got a call from the owner, could she come by to thanks us. Within a few minutes the whole family arrived. We were so pleased for them & they were so grateful even though Frankie is the heroine of this story. It turns out that he'd gone missing the previous evening, they'd searched until after dark. The poor owner got no sleep, but lots of tears. The search resumed this morning and ended when they went to the shop to ask if anything has been heard.
Just to top off this good news story it turns out the he wasn't injured at all, but has a congenital hip problem.

 Isn't it nice to have a good news animal story? Let's hope for more.
Val says what a cute dog, he looks like the dog that plays the piano in the Muppets... if he had longer ears.
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