Tuesday 27 August 2013

Views are different to number of readers, I know.

824 views yesterday to hear my news and views, I am very happy to read your news and views which could differ totally from mine, and in some friends cases I know differ on many points. Sometimes when I do a post on pets for example, I imagine people I know struggling to comprehend. Cats seem to bring out strong emotions for and against. Charity, another topic which is divisive, politics I would never discuss except to tell you news. Religion is another do not go there, but we all seem to enjoy concerts in historic church buildings.
The new labels are a great addition  to TAG and Cooks still gets the most hits. I hope writers are going to contribute to Doreen's wit, (writers in Tag) and any interesting holiday tips or stories can be sent for David' s " Tripping about". The photography of Peter Hughes,  Malc and I have both loved, those lovely foxes and squirrels. ( I will not be saying lovely foxes if they get my chickens!) Anyway keep on contributing, groaning, tutting sometimes enjoying but reading and supporting us all who contribute.
Malc says    not enough football and rugby.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com