Wednesday 7 December 2016

Rejoice, rejoice, there is hope for the world

Sometimes you know there is hope for the world.
This afternoon I am filled with hope.
A young couple arrived at our door with a Christmas box for refugees. They were a beautiful young couple in their early twenties. They had heard about me from several of their friends they said and tracked me down as they really wanted to show their support for refugees.
They had with them the box all packed but they had left it open so I could check the contents.
What a lovely assortment of presents and brilliant ideas that a young person might think of that an older one would not.
I tell you what on Christmas morning 70 odd refugees are going to be so pleased with Father Christmas.
I must ask all the boys to take lots of pictures of the present opening.

We need the young to care, they are the future.
Now I know the generosity of spirit and love for all men, will prevail and not just for Christmas....
cue a Christmas carol
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