Sunday 7 February 2016

Everybody is happy in St. Antonin and Penne about refugees

A meeting was held a few weeks ago to discuss the possibility of refugees in Penne, a meeting with no dissenters.
Tonight I attended another meeting in the Mairie at St. Antonin where once again we had no dissenters. We talked about the refugees at Rehoboth and how well they were progressing after their perilous times past. It is wonderful to see how much they have changed in 6 weeks.
We benevoles felt we had all gained from the time spent working together French, English and Dutch and there are relationships  and respect forged not only with the refugees  but with each other.
Certainly an experience that even with all the sad moments Malc and I would not have missed.
... and those who were not happy... well they could not be bothered to come.
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