Sunday 7 February 2016

Just do not like the way the country is going

Oh! dear the second set of friends deciding to leave France this year. The reason "we just do not like the way the country is going."
So sad when realise your life here is not what you thought it was.
With a nation that is becoming progressively more right wing racist than one could ever have believed.
Hard to fight something one is not really  part of, we can fight it with English speaking expats but taking on the likes of the Mayor of Bezier and his right wing La Pen cronies, or the right wing nationalists in our midst, just not easy.
I am going to a meeting tonight in the Mairie about the refugees of St.Antonin. The meeting is to answer any queries or concerns. I hope it goes off quietly, I will let you know.

Neither of the couples by the way are planning on going back to the UK, which says it all really.
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