Monday 22 February 2016

Why kill a falcon?

Hi Val,
 We were having a lovely time out for a joyride in the direction of Les Abriols (between Vaour & Bruniquel) this afternoon when we came across a very large contingent of the cretins who call themselves the chasse, We were coming up a lane in quite a deep valley when we heard 2 shots from the hillside above & saw a falcon fall out of the sky, there were 2 French ladies in their garden who also witnessed this in horror, they advised us to hole up in their driveway until the chasse had left the area but we didn't have all afternoon to hang about. When Sid & I arrived at the head of the valley I stopped & asked one of the chasseurs what on earth they thought they were up too, Why shoot a falcon? I got a derisory laugh in reply. We descended in the direction of Bruniquel through a phalanx of chasseurs all the way. At the mouths of two footpaths we saw hikers emerge looking shocked, worried & obviously wondering how to escape, cyclists likewise. A sunny Sunday in France, how on earth it can be deemed acceptable to have large numbers of trigger happy lunatics out amongst the general public whom were present & attempting to enjoy the countryside whilst putting their lives at risk I cannot imagine & they talk about terrorists! Another black mark where I'm coming from.
Val says, respect the countryside. That is so mindless, a falcon does not affect the chase in anyway. This needs reporting to the head of the chasse in that area. Are they protected ? 
It probably had a mate and was checking out nesting sites. They tell us that the chasse have training!! well this  bunch did  not.
Laura replies  
Hi Val, it was a huge chasse, approx 60 that we could see & more hidden down the hill i'm sure, it was up by the restaurant les chenes near Les Abriols, there were big signs along the lines of grande chasse de gibiers( I think) & they ran into the next chasse that had signs up for sangliers. Yes, we know the peregrines are protected, we were so furious & all we got was the shrug & a laugh  & the suggestion that we went & spoke to the person responsible which we obviously couldn't do as we didn't know who it was, the birds mate was left circling solo.... unbelievable.
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