Monday 22 February 2016

If I could help you all I would.

Dear Val,
  ( you need to read an earlier post to understand this)
Sid is after a used Mazerrati to replace his old van, it still works but we feel with all the help you are giving to our friends from outside the EU that we also deserve some assistance, our politics are the same as yours & we feel hurt & upset that we cannot have what we want just because we're not fleeing terror, life just somehow doesn't seem fair. We would like to attend the bookswap again but only if you're forthcoming with a suitable vehicle. 
Yours spoilt & stupid living on the Causse xxx

Laure says
Honestly, I don't see why we should choose between helping the refugees and local people in need, or indeed anyone in need anywhere on the planet. I have been perfectly comfortable doing both in the last few months, depending on what I feel is fair whenever confronted to a need. However, I do understand local people who feel it's unfair to help "only" the refugees, but I'm sure a lot of "bonnes âmes" do both, as they do for example at the Croix Rouge or the Secours Catholique.
Also there are many ways to help : money, of course, but also time, attention, physical or technical help and of course, a simple smile... All manifestations of love I'm sure...