Saturday 10 January 2015

What a world, give thanks to be alive.

The TV and Press still full of news of  the dreadful happenings  and moving on the debate discussing how young people start their radicalisation with the internet. One of the few moments when I do not have an answer, the problem is so overwhelming.
We have Jewish friends so worried about developments in France that they going to move back to the UK. They feel after the events that have unrolled the hatred against Muslims, Jews, le Roms/ gypsies will push more people to vote for Marine Le Pen with all the nastiness that will result.
What a world. Think how the families of the 20 dead must feel this morning and if you thought you had problems,  give thanks that you are alive.
Bonny has just come for an early morning cuddle and if anything brings a rise in ones spirits it is the happy pets.

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