Saturday 10 January 2015

DVD's, take two get two?

 Remember Chats du Quercy need your Christmas cards so do not just throw them away. They can be taken to the book swap in February or given to me to pass on at anytime.
Also a plea to sort out a few DVD's to take to the next swap in February. The idea is to take some and bring others back, as the DVD 's are becoming depleted it would appear there are some not coming back. Search your shelves, you must all have some you can bring to keep the scheme going.
We so far have watched 3 we bought in charity shops in the UK, all which were enjoyable,so they and others will be coming. We could keep them for the gite but we want the scheme to work...  so get your fingers out and bring some DVD's
Perhaps we should change the idea to you can only take the number that you bring back. Take two get two?
 What do you think?
Helen thinks it would work better as an exchange.
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