Friday 16 January 2015

Being cold in winter

Dear Val,
 clicked on to Tag this morning as usual and read with interest the article about winter fuel payments. Not really sure what is happening with this as totally out of touch with english issues. HOWEVER, there could be a solution for your readers. Winter fuel payments are a big problem for many french families as well and there is a scheme where you can get  a special 'winter fuel loan' from the government. Thousands of families survive like this year in year out.  Bascially the government pay for your fuel direct, could be oil, wood, etc , and You pay it back over the year. This scheme is available to people under a certain threshold of yearly income. You have to be in the system here, I presume a carte vitale, paying taxes , etc counts. The people you need to talk to are at the Aide Sociale, every town has one. They are a brilliant resource if you have a problem with french documents, need legal advice ... Incredibly helpful. You will need to fill in a dossier on your circumstances so if you don't speak french well take a friend who does!  
   (The Aide Sociale are NOT like the citizens advice bureau in England, they have alot of legal clout and can even stop tribunals).  
 Once you have completed your dossier and have been approved You need to decide the amount you want to 'borrow', this is up to you, but whatever you decide you have to pay the first 20%, 
    Normally you pay it back over the year so that the process can be repeated next year
     This is seen by many english as a government handout it is not, just a way to survive for many thousands. 
  This information may help, it might work it might not, but you have to help yourself if you live here and not rely on England to help you out . If you live here permanently and have paid in to the system you have rights but they will not come to you , you have to find them!
 As a family we know this , as after ill health we nearly lost everything, although we had paid in to the system for years by being employed and that we had the same entitlements as any employed french family the system dragged its heels . Without the help of the Aide Sociale we would have been in a terrible mess. By not knowing the system we were helpless. No money, ill health, no employment prospects because of this ill health, no food, a child in school here more french than english , not an easy time. The idea of returning to england not an option. Eventually my partner was declared disabled but without the help of the Aide Sociale who fought for us we  would not have got the help and advice we needed. A few years down the line we have two fledgling businesses in the household, a child at Lycée and there is a future. The moral of the story is that living here is not easy, forget the rose tinted specs, learn the system of the country, take control of your life here , ask questions, integrate.
  Sorry if this is not the usual expat story, but it is one shared by many french people in their own country. 
 I really hope your reader gets the help they need , a prospect of a cold  winter is horrible  and should not be faced in any country or system. Good Luck 
Val says great informative letter Emma, many thanks
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