Wednesday 22 October 2014

26 stitches and i am still laughing.

For all your kind wishes thank you.
Can you believe when Malc came for me at 4 pm I had a finger and palm with 26 stitches and I said what a fun afternoon I had spent. The young staff  in Toulouse were marvellous; so different from the miserable bunch I got at Villefranche last time I needed an intervention.
The drugs probably helped but with each young nurse or attendant, we ended up laughing. As I left two nurses said as they walked along the corridor leaving my room, doesn't it help when they speak good French. First time I have ever heard anyone say that about my French. Great service and very good experience to report.
I will get that subbie to change to capital letters later, just beyond me with one hand.
comments to
Malc says: the French nurses were very amused when their English patient asked for a cup of tea when all their compatriots were still snoring