Sunday, 3 August 2014

The jolly trolley

Dear Val,
Ten years age the step father of a great friend of ours was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He spent the last few weeks of his life in hospital in a cancer unit in Bournemouth. Every evening around apero time a nurse would arrive with 'The Jolly Trolley'. The resident patients were encouraged to have a drink of whatever they chose. They were also offered a drink to help them sleep at bed time and relatives were allowed to bring in a favourite tipple.

This was funded from the ward amenity find and generous gifts from patients and relatives. It was a sociable time and beneficial to those facing a difficult few weeks.

I am sure if it is helpful it should be allowed and encouraged. 

Val Hughes.

 Val says  -and some of us have started already with  "the jolly trolley" which comes at 6 pm.
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