Tuesday 26 August 2014

A leisurely walk in the lanes... no fear of that.

So what happened this morning you ask me?
Rosie and Lucy were the chosen donkeys, so we saddled them up and Matilda and Alfred (lovely English names) were chattering and singing away as we set off.
When we arrived at the chestnut wood the biggest newish, nosiest combine tracteur/faucheuse  appeared. We stopped to calm the donkeys and we thought the machine was stopping to let us past, the donkeys were obviously agitated so we quickly dismounted the children and set off again.
The blinkin' (would much prefer a swear word but I am trying restraint) young person in the machine, not someone we knew, started the machine and followed directly behind us at the donkeys heels. The noise was tremendous and we were panicked never mind the donkeys. What was really galling and I see red thinking about it, was the person could see the donkeys were alarmed, two minutes waiting till we had rounded a steep corner was all it would have taken.
He continued behind us with donkeys bolting downhill with Julia and I hanging on for grim death. He could have caused a serious accident all for a couple of minutes waiting.
Fortunately we did hang on and the donkeys were swiftly calmed and the children were mounted again. They trotted back home in a really splendid fashion, little darlings.
These are the last children of the season as all our next renters are adults.
It is rentrée even in England.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com