Sunday, 3 August 2014

Recipe for Plum jam

Chat up your old French neighbour and with his permission pick some of his Reine Claude plums, big yellow and juicy. Mind the wasps as you go, they love these plums as well as us. I am cooking  2 kilos of plums with a bag and a half of sugar. The recipe was from the internet and it is one of Angela's from the BBC ( whoever she is) I have used less sugar than she wanted me to as I prefer plum jam with a bit of tartness, 150 mls of water, and that is all. Check out her recipe I think it is for simpletons like me or maybe she said it was simple!
After the book swap tomorrow afternoon I will be making plum chutney but from our own big juicy purple  reine claude plums. We also have " prune de cochon" which in English are probably damsons. So many of these on the trees and the road in, that we are leaving them for the hens to enjoy.
The jam is now in 9 jars and tastes delicious, I fancy serving a dollop with vanilla ice cream.
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