Friday 15 August 2014

Barking mad at our house.

I awoke this morning with no particular sense of foreboding, a friend is not very well but I phoned and checked he was OK.
Around 11 am the donkeys all ran to the fence at the point nearest to us and started braying. I know their fearful tones (I get donkey rhythms) then Bonny started madly barking, which affected deaf Twister, Kenza arrived from over the road barking. What was going on!

You may have guessed it, the chasse season starts today and a pack of dogs was in our field, men were everywhere, white vans were speeding up the road - it is the first day of the chasse for sangliers.
Those lovely meandering walks we have had along the lanes with  children, donkeys and dogs will now be somewhat curtailed, certainly the relaxed atmosphere about them.
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