Tuesday 2 February 2016

What would you do?, be honest.

Chi (made up name for security) had three trucks in Pakistan, great big expensive things. As well as managing these he was a driver working for the government.
One day he drove off with a government load, he was hijacked by the Taliban, his truck torched, he was beaten to near death, then left for dead. He was found by some local villagers who managed to get him to hospital.
He gradually recovered and went to tell the government he could work again. They withdrew his contract as he had not delivered their load. Then the Taliban heard he had survived and came after him. They stole the second of his trucks and promised he would be found and killed. Chi gave away his third truck to a friend and kissing his wife and children left undercover, till he eventually arrived in France and on our doorstep.

Max says

Hi Val, I would not leave my wife and children  behind but take them with me.  Max

Val says  and subject them to the ordeal they have undergone, I am not sure I would, but you would sensibly escape I see Max.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com