Wednesday, 7 October 2015

What an amazing conversation

I  have just contacted one of the organisers of a charity called Children of Calais. I  had heard that they had managed to rehome a traumatised young Syrian boy and his father with an English family in I think the Marne. I needed to know how it was done.
When at the Coffee for  Calais on Sunday it was mentioned a couple of times that people were
 willing to give a small family group a home for the winter months. I was not sure if this could be achieved but I said I would look into it.
Talking to Ali Ceesay today I realise it can be done but it would all be down to us to look after them. We would need to home them, feed them and help them with the language. We have two French teachers who have offered to do the teaching French. We would need a committment from people with gites or large houses to take people in and we would need others to help to pay for food and heating bills.
I am excited that there is a chance of rehoming vunerable children with parents over the winter period.
Those who would be interested in this big commitment please contact me. Those who have not the room but would help support a refugee by a small monthly donation also contact me.
This lady had heard of our wonderful Sid and Laura and had a friend up at Calais in common.
Watch this space.
oh and you might want to check out    and

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