Tuesday 27 October 2015

A view of Whitby through the whale bone jaws

I have been trying to find a connection between Whitby and France but the best I can come up with is
the information on Whitby jet( the name jet coming from the old French)

What is Jet ?

Jet is a semi-precious gemstone of organic (i.e. it contains carbon) origin. The name is derived from the GreekLithos Gagates which translates as 'Stone of Gagas'. Gagas was a town in Asia Minor (Turkey). This name passed into old French as Jaiet, and into English as Jet. Jet was formed from wood that fell into stagnant water and which then became fossilised in much the same way as coal was made. The wood originally came from trees similar to the modern day Monkey Puzzle or Araucaria. The original 'wood-like' structure of Jet is revealed under the microscope, sometimes to the extent that the annual growth rings of the trees can be seen. Two types of Jet are generally recognised : soft and hard Jet. The former was probably formed under fresh water and the hard Jet in sea-water.
None of it anything to do with Malc's photo of Whitby.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com