Thursday 7 August 2014

Investigative skills fall short./ changed to - I was right

Have just read the Investigative article.  The OLD GENDERMARIE IS NOT THE ONE on the main road but the building directly opposite the restaurant. The building with the arches. There are NO old people watering plants opposite.   I notice that there is no name attached to this article.

Val says -  Sorry I thought it was obvious I was the investigative journalist but you have put my mind at rest about that  building. The one I viewed was in a very poor state and the building opposite Charley's is in much nicer condition. Those flats have been empty for years, so putting them to use seems like a good idea. Admittley on first reading your email I was alarmed for Verfeil but after talking to two other ladies of the village who were so positive, and  I think as it is a done deal, giving the young people a chance may be the best way forward.
We have young  neighbours over the road who are probably friends of the youngsters in your village and they are all charming. Make friends with them and give them a chance. We did and we have gained from it.
But if you feel strongly like Hazel perhaps putting your views forward to the Mayor and his councillors is the way to go. 
I have had it confirmed that my report on the building is CORRECT and there are elderly people opposite who were watering plants.
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