Tuesday 12 August 2014

I have liberal views, that's me and resent being told no donkeys, no politics please.

Yesterday 862 people read TAG, some of them may not like my liberal views ( I have never voted socialist or conservative in my life, I am a proud liberal) My views are my views and the blog is called news and views and as Hazel has demonstrated I am willing to put forward other views. I hope I have never given a political rant but do care about all people around the world and animals.
I think I write an interesting, diverse and useful blog which in turn has raised lots of money for local charities, but as I have said before, those who do not like - do not read.
I will not change my style for the odd extremist, sorry.

Dear Val
We have found Taglines very useful since starting to spend the summers in France several years ago. And we are aware of how much you do for charity.
What I don't understand, however, is why you sometimes use Taglines as a soapbox for your political views. Surely the place for them is an entirely separate blog. It seems such a shame that people stop reading Taglines (several have told me this) because they don't want to read a political "rant" (to quote one).
Yours sincerely
Philip Bargery