Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Courgettes and plums, hard to give away

This year we have not got a surfeit of courgettes, too many years have we been scoffed at trying to give them away. This year it is plums, the mixed weather and the blossom missing early frost has seen every plum tree showered with big swelling fruits of black, ruby yellow, green and all delicious.
The renters are happy to have a bowl full but friends and visitors hold up their hands in horror at being pressed to going off with a bag of plums.
Unlike Grandma's chutney which has seen members of the family, who I might add  profess not to read TAG, booking a pot or two.
Today in the oven, in progress are sun dried tomatoes and basil, but oven dried.
On the hob is more plum jam but from the purple plums.
If anyone local wants some delicious plums ... they could be yours by asking and picking.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com