Sunday 1 June 2014

The Book swap tomorrow at St. Antonin

The Gazpacho at St. Antonin Noble Val 10.30 am for the now monthly book swap. Books, DVD's ((getting in short supply, has anyone any more to donate) Spiced cuisine will be bringing their ordered meals.
Great morning to swap books, chat and coffee with friends.

On this trying to integrate  lark I wondered if we should ask French people who like reading to join us swapping French language books with each other. I know it is not so necessary for the French as they have easily accessed reading material but it is a convivial way of meeting people and choosing a book. If you are reading this Nadette, Martine, Claude and other French readers why not ask a few  French friends to come with books and we could try and develop that. Who knows we may end up swapping books and chatting together.
French libraries take note of an idea,  perhaps take a section of books  French and English to the local coffee shop once a month, if readers do not come to you, try going to them. It is a thought.
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