Sunday 29 June 2014

We are all proud of " the Clenches"

In our village are an amazing couple still producing superb art, David has an exposition coming up soon at the Church of Selgues. David is 90 and Joyce is not too far behind, they recently moved from Verfeil in to a bungalow in Varen.
The couple are going to be judges in the art competition along with Mary Parkes,another incredible person judging in our Salon du jardin ( it is not just vegetables you know!)
I took them a notice down about judging when  I realised I had left the  French version with them, not the English. I phoned to say I would pop down another version but David declined and said " no, we have worked it out" and we will want to show it proudly to our French neighbours who will understand this version and it gives us a chance to promote the event.
Good on you, David and Joyce
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