Monday 23 June 2014

Storm hit us at 7.30

Just managed to get the outside pets fed before the storm came rushing in with the wind rolling the black cloud along. It was quite impressionant/impressive watching the storm come from the West standing on the upper floor terrace. As it hit I made a dash for the kitchen and shelter.
I was met in the kitchen by the neighbours dog, who lives outside. The neighbours are often away overnight at the weekend and Kenza their dog is petrified of storms. She has got used to coming in and going under the kitchen table at times like this. Surprisingly our dogs never bat an eye and just accept, there is a storm so Kenza comes.
The donkeys raced to the stable and I notice they are still tucked up in there.
The cats are all in the barn, hens in the grange.
Warm temperatures promised by the meteo all week but with risk of storms till Thursday.
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