Tuesday 24 June 2014

Miss Parisot does it again!

Hi Val,

TAGlines did it again; Felix is back!! Kevin and Mimi found him at the end of the road, recognised him as my missing kitten and brought him back! Now it is always nice to see those two, but when they're carrying the kitten you thought dead, you just want to hug them!! :-) Let's hope the other mssing cat will be found soon too,.
Val says  Kevin Scragg at the moment holds the Miss Parisot title, the Raft champions of Parisot, Varenly Regatta champion and now he  holds  the title  St  Francis  of  Cambou.
 Not forgetting Mimi Scragg who once found our dogs on the road and manhandled them into her jeep to bring home, and now finding Anke's little kitten ( I thought Anke had no chance of seeing the little mite again )
Well done everyone.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com