Saturday 29 June 2013

Lez Art Festival 5th of July to 20th Aug.

Concerts, Diners, Expos, Projections, stages [ courses] all at Lez, a little hameau up above Laguepie.Collect the leaflet from the Tourist Office and they can promise you lots of interesting events happening. When Malc brought me the leaflet in and showed it to me, I smiled. If you know Lez  [and it is unlikely you do] It is a tiny hamlet with about 6 farm houses but the picture on the leaflet shows a picture of a globe. Lez, the centre of the universe,so unlikely ... but go to the events to find out. It could be Tardis like, enter the gate and the world expands.
Malc and I once went there to a boules tournament not long after we arrived. We were very new at playing boules but we did have all the best shiny equipment including those rather natty magnetic boule picker uppers [all presents I might add] We now know that word went around the village players that some hot shot ringers had appeared on the scene becuase of all the equipment and the fact that we were practising before the event. We were then chosen to play with their red hot players and of course were duly humilated with 0 -13's three times over. One of the hot shots we played later became our electrician and he laughingly told us how at first we had been fancied as winners!
Comments to
Malc comments that in fact we played some 10 year old boys and ended up with a bottle of wine as a prize.
Val says Yes, that was after we lost against the real players, and how you could be happy  Malc, winning against little lads is beyond me! There again I do remember we got a bottle of wine but I am sure that was just for participating.