Monday 24 June 2013

Athos settles in to his new home

Good morning, Val.
 Athos is at his most rewarding first thing in the morning , when whoever gets up first is subject to the most enthusiastic welcome ever. Athos jumps around like a lamb, and as the floors are wood, he usually manages to skid a fair distance. He then sticks to that person like a limpet for as long as it takes to find his lead and take him out for the first walk of the day.
He is a lovely dog, but is still really scarred from his treatment by his first owners. He is scared of loud noises and of people, and his first instinct is to run for the hills as soon as he encounters anything like that. After his early disappearance and return to us, he has given me the slip twice, both times whilst on a lead and spooked by other people. I think it will be a long time before he relaxes and realises that not everyone means him harm.
We absolutely love him, though, and are very grateful to TAGlines and to Maeva for bringing him to us. I've sent Maeva a few pictures, but unfortunately one or other of us is also in the shot. I've promised to send her decent pictures of Athos on his own as soon as I take some, and I'll send them to you in case any of your readers are interested.
 All the best.