Sunday 23 June 2013

Is there someone looking for Perle?

TAG has had an email from Jenny saying when she was in the vets at Laguepie she saw a notice up for a lost dog. When getting home and reading TAG it dawned on her that the dog may be Perle.
Perle was taken in to  the dog pound at St. Antonin after being lost in the woods for weeks. The dog could not cope with being in a pen and was very nervous so Maeva one of the carers who TAG now has a good rapport with took her home and in to her care. We have passed this news on to Maeva and she will research if it is the same dog. We will cross fingers that Perle' s owner can be traced.
It is now against the law not to have your pet chipped or identified and if a dog is found roaming, is not chipped and is taken in to the dog pound, they spend 8 days searching for the owner. After that time if the owner is not found your pet becomes the property of the Mairie and can be passed on to a new owner who will then have to have it chipped. My feeling is if you have so little regard for your pet that you will not identify it, you do not deserve to keep it. Responsible ownership it is called.
Val says I have had contact with Maeva and I have said I would go into the vets tomorrow and get information about the lost dog.
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