Tuesday 15 January 2019

The great debate starts today

 "Grand débat national", proposed by the government partly as an answer to the gilets jaunes' demands for the voice of the people to be heard is launched today.
Partly because Macron, Hamon and Melenchon all proposed the system in their manifestoes for the presidential elections. The debate being launched today (Tuesday 15th January) with over 1200 "kits" sent out to suggest how it is to be organised at the local level (community of communes at the lowest level).
The government has provided details in the kit of population, employment, housing and information on the main areas of debate. The government has asked for debates on taxation and public expenditure, organisation of the state and public service, ecology and finally democracy. It is likely that the participants will be drawn by lot from all on the electoral roll and not on a proportional basis.
Many "gilet jaune" Facebook pages have already dismissed the idea as being government controlled and  widespread "cahiers de doléances"(lists of grievances) have been organised by various organisations. The main points inscribed in these books have been for the reintroduction of the wealth tax, more justice for protesters, abolition of "mariage pout tous" and other social changes for the less well off.
And the UK parliament will apparently discuss a deal which almost everyone is opposed to.