Sunday 1 May 2016

nous sommes le dimanche, premier mai

A sunny start but no warmth in the sun as yet.
Bonny tried to trick me again in getting up at 6.30am...I resisted till 7.10
Eldo is not well, has not eaten his breakfast for two morning. A visit to the vet on the cards for tomorrow. Two small ticks found attached on him today, even though he is regularly checked.

A day today for giving bouquets of muguet (lily of the valley), to friends and family.
I always find it amusing that it is a poisonous flower and all information recommends not to let children handle them and certainly not to eat.

Le muguet ou muguet de mai est une herbacée des régions tempérées dont les fleurs printanières, petites et blanches, forment des grappes de clochettes très odorantes. C'est une plante toxique, voire mortelle après avoir mangé le périanthe.