Wednesday 18 May 2016

Can you remember the horrific Patricia Wilson story?

À partir de lundi prochain 23 mai et jusqu'au vendredi 27 mai, la cour d'assises de l'Aveyron sera réunie pour le procès de l'affaire Wilson.

4 years after the horrific disappearance of Patricia Wilson from her house at Lunac, the case is coming before the courts in the Aveyron next week.
Her body has never been found and the family in the UK have been in limbo for all this time that the gardener has been in prison. The gardener who she was allegedly having an affair with and her blood was found in his car, money deposited into his account, still proclaims innocence, against all the evidence. TAG was contacted by the family in the UK to see if we knew anymore about the story. Sadly our news was all translated from local papers so we were not able to offer any other  help or news.
One hopes that finally justice will be done and the mystery will be resolved.
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