Monday 30 May 2016

Nous sommes le lundi trente mai

May has passed so quickly and what a mixed month weather wise, each day seems to have been different. We seem to have missed any severe storm but no doubt we will get our turn as the summer progresses.
Swimming in the pool I noticed once again we have two conifers full of goldfinch homes. I swam with goldfinches squabbling near by and swallows flying over and dipping in the pool. Are they catching the insects or having a drink or both?
Our blue tits nesting in the  house wall have fledged so once again we can use the terrace for eating.
The redstarts have not nested in the grange beams this year which we are relieved about, they two years running have had the nest dislodged by cats or the wind?
Wonderful time of year, enjoy every minute.
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