Tuesday 9 February 2016

Nous sommes le mardi neuf fevrier

Raining quite heavily, Eldo looked out of the front door, refused to go out and went back to bed. As I went out to feed the donkeys I wondered why I did not have that option.
A wet week forecast.
We cannot complain at the weather,  this winter has really been exceptional.

Hope you are enjoying the  local photos of Sophie Hautefeuille, she is yet another supporter of refugees and has become facebook friends with a number of the young people and it has encouraged one to add local photos to the facebook page on St. Antonin.
We are finding out much more about the area by meeting all these local French people involved with businesses in the area. Quercy grimpe and the escalade/ indoor climbing, the velos / bikes of Josette to hire in the area. I will do a list of useful contacts coming up to the holiday period.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com