Saturday 6 February 2016

Jobs for the boys

OH, what fun we had

Sometimes I can laugh until my sides hurt and  with the gardening group today, the laughter went on and on.
Seven young men, one sadly left behind as we did not have enough spaces in two cars, spent a couple of hours gardening for us again.
We got out my sit on mower and Mohammed immediately took control, he was a mechanic for tractors in his own country so his eyes lit up when he saw our machinery.
The boys all wanted a go and the mower raced up and down for a  couple of hours in between photo opportunities.
Siddique had the powered hand mower out and zoomed everywhere, around the edges, up banks, he must be exhausted. The others had the less satisfying task of weeding but I can only say they have made a super job so far.
Orange juice on the terrace with cakes and crisps, Mohammed took of his  shawl laid it on the grass
around half past four and knelt to pray. It made me realise why they wear what I would call is a shawl.
They are so generous with their time and so pleased when we say how well they have done.
A lovely afternoon in the sun, having fun and learning about each other's cultures.

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