Saturday 21 February 2015

90 years old Roquefort

In 1925 the producers of the famous cheese were concerned that fraudulent imitations were being sold as Roquefort so founded a campaign to get the name protected. Only in 1976 were they able to register the name as denoting the method of production and 20 years later as limiting the area of production.
Only unpasteurised milk from Lacaune sheep is used in the fabrication of the mild blue cheese, which Diderot called the king of cheeses. And it must be from the Roquefort area.
In 2009 the USA tripled the import duty on Roquefort as a reprisal for the EU banning imports of beef raised with hormone supplements, the cheese being picked out by name. Fortunately sense prevailed over the Atlantic, though there are still doubts about cheeses made from unprocessed milk.
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