Monday, 23 February 2015

Public disorder in Toulouse all because of Sivens

You lose support for the cause when you stoop to public disorder. Smashing up shop windows, 23 poor shop owners being affected by this manifestation. 23 people  and their staff trying to make a living, having their businesses affected by these  out of work louts... and yes that is what those few were who caused this damage.
The cause is in my opinion a just one but being hijacked by these anti establishment anarchists is not going to do it any favours.
A sad day at Toulouse for the majority of those who care about the countryside plants, animals and the diversity of the forests.
Toulouse sous le choc après les dérapages de la manif anti-Sivens.  This was the heading in the Depeche.  Toulouse in shock after the manifestation anti Sivens. The word I needed to look up was "dérapages" which is to slide or slip away, (a degeneration.)