Tuesday 24 February 2015

Sofas, chairs, tables, interesting things for the garden, washers, fridges, beds, etc.

I have not been for an age, but do love going to Emmaus. I normally go to the one at Carmaux, difficult to explain where it is, off the largest main square, is open Friday after 10am and everyone in Carmaux knows where it is, so easy enough to ask.
There is another at Villefranche de Rouergue and also one at Montauban. There is a website for  Emmaus. I will look it up to see if there are contact details.
This email address gives you every outlet of Emmaus in France with address


Malc is right to point out that I should remind you where the idea of Emmaus comes from

Abbe Pierre made his now famous radio appeal to help the homeless and "mal logé": "Help my friends! Tonight a woman has frozen to death". From this grew the Fondation Abbe Pierre and the fundraising efforts of Emmaus (which he founded 5 years earlier in 1949) with the specific aim of providing shelter to the "sans-abris". In 1954 it was estimated that 54% of French people lived in unfit conditions, now thought to be about 5% of whom about 140000 are considered homeless.
Abbe Pierre, who died in 2007, was consistently voted France's most popular person.
Perhaps TAG should have a "like list" and after what I have read about Abbe Pierre, he would top the list.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com

Comments to taglines82@gmail.com