Saturday 6 September 2014

Les sans dents jibe really hurt

"I will go till the end," he told reporters after a NATO summit in Britain, adding that "I am half-way through my (five-year) mandate and there is no opinion poll, no matter how difficult, that can interrupt the mandate the people give to the president."Hollande  hit back at the explosive claims penned by his former partner and first lady Valerie Trierweiler, the most damaging of which was that he secretly despised the poor, calling them the "toothless".
He said he served "the most fragile, the most modest, the most humble and the poorest" people and that his commitment to the lowest levels of society was his "reason for being".
Only one percent of French people said they had "total confidence" in Hollande "to resolve the problems France is currently facing".
Record lows in opinion polls, record highs in jobless lines and then what the French press called the "killer blow" -- the vengeful memoirs of his former partner Valerie Trierweiler, who painted him as cold, callous and contemptuous.
Val says  She does not strike you as the sort of person you would want to cross, as indeed Segolene Royale found out!