Saturday 27 September 2014

The first story of the chasse this season in the Depeche

Actually it happened in Dec 2013 in the department Lot et Garonne but the case has just come before the tribunal. The tribunal have condemned a man of 72 to two years in prison and a hefty fine for shooting another chasseur. The young chasseur of 28 was shot and is now handicapped in a wheelchair. The trouble is the two years in prison is not going to bring back the young mans health.

This morning we had chasseurs everywhere along our road, dogs, loud shouting, blowing horns as an animal was killed in the very wood we have just moved our donkeys from. (you know where fences were down!) A man was stood in his combat outfit, orange hat, gun at the ready in the second  field the donkeys use and I had to rush out to check where exactly the donkeys where. Fortunately they were all hiding in their field hut frightened by the din of shouting men, barking packs of dogs, horns and a posse of white vans speeding up the lane to congregate at the kill. I was glad the holiday makers had left the gite so they did not have the end of their holiday spoilt.
Tudor, brother in law on holiday who was not used to seeing these autumn / winter activities of the chasse was appalled and thought we should take some sort of action against them. Too close for comfort was his thought.
This is France, Tudor and in the winter the chasse rules the countryside, our fields and lanes... like it or not and the best I can do is let off steam on TAG.
Malc adds and hope we or pets do not get hurt by bullets or speeding vans.
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