Thursday 11 September 2014

I do hope you are all happy.

Hi Val and Malc
,Hope you are both interesting and sadly so true article in this morning's paper here in the UK !!


Val says 
Hello Steve and I do now want to appear ungrateful but waving a Daily Mail article at me is like waving a red flag at a bull. As it was you I thought I would read the article but I was tutting in disgust after a few paragraphs.
The first lady sold up everything and came to France after watching " Escape to the sun". The fact she had no French is not an insurmountable barrier,  but buying her house for 300,000 euros unseen shows real lack of  good sense. 
The article goes on in pitifull fashion " she has no friends after 3 years" How can this possibly be? We are all on the same adventure here and we make friends easily ,what is wrong with this  lady that she does not? 
I bet the Daily Mail  readers in the UK would hate to read my blog about all the happy times we are having, in fact it is not an article they would print. Their miserable, yes repeat miserable readers would not want to think of us more enlightened Europeans having made a good decision and actually  be enjoying life.
OK there will be some that made a mistake but may be these people weren't happy  and  would have made mistakes in the UK
I suggest to all,  use the DM for other uses, and perhaps donate to the reader who needed papers for his puppies to pee on, just don't waste time reading  the dashed thing
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